Cookies policies


Utilizziamo i cookie per facilitare l'uso del nostro sito web. I cookie sono piccoli file di informazioni che ci permettono di confrontare e capire come i nostri utenti navigano attraverso il nostro sito Web, e quindi essere in grado di migliorare di conseguenza il processo di navigazione. I cookie che utilizziamo non memorizzano alcun dato personale, né alcun tipo di informazione che possa identificarti. Se non si desidera ricevere cookie, configurare il browser Internet in uso per eliminarli dal disco rigido del computer, bloccarli o avvisare se sono installati. Per continuare senza modifiche nella configurazione dei cookie, è sufficiente continuare sulla pagina web.

You can get more information on cookies and their use in
The types of cookies we use

Strictly necessary cookies
These cookies are necessary for the correct use of the webpage, granting access to sections with security filters. Without these cookies many of the available services would be inoperative.
Navigation cookies
These cookies collect information on how visitors use the web; for example: pages viewed, loading errors... it is generic and anonymous information that does not include personal data and does not collect any information that might identify visitors; their ultimate goal is to improve the website's operation. When you visit our webpage you accept the installation of these cookies on your device.
Functional cookies
These cookies make it possible to remember information (such as your username, language or area) as well as more personal characteristics, such as the possibility of offering customised content based on the information and criteria you voluntarily provided. These cookies may also be used to remember changes made to text size, fonts and other customisable areas of the webpage. They are also used to offer some requested services, such as watching a video or posting a comment on a blog. The information collected by these cookies can be anonymous, and their activities cannot be tracked in other webpages. When you visit our webpage you accept the installation of these cookies on your device.
How to manage cookies in computers
If you wish to allow the use of cookies from our site, please follow these instructions.

Google Chrome
1. When you open the browser, click on Tools on the top section and then select the Options tab
2. Inside Options, click on Privacy
3. Select "allow the cookies administration"

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0
1. When you open the browser, click on Tools on the top section and select the Options tab
2. Check the Privacy tab and make sure that it's set to a medium or lower security level
3. If the Internet configuration is not set to medium, the cookies will be blocked

Mozilla Firefox
1. When you open the browser, click on "Tools" on the top right part and select the tab "options"
2. Select the icon of Privacy
3. Click on cookies and select "allow the setting up of cookies"

1. When you open the browser, click on "Tools" on the top right part and select the tab "options"
2. Click on the tab "Security" and check if the option "Block the access of cookies to third-parties" is checked or not
3. Click on "save"

The installation of cookies in Mac
If you have a Mac and you want to allow the access of our cookies in your computer, please follow these directions:

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 in OSX
1. Go to "Explorer" and select "Preferences" on the navigation bar
2. Scroll down until you see "Cookies" just below the received files
3. Select "Don't ask again"

Safari in OSX
1. Go to Safari and select "Preferences" on the navigation bar
2. Click on the tab of "Security" and select the option "accept cookies"
3. Select the option "Only from the actual site where I am surfing"

Mozilla and Netscape in OSX
1. Go to "Mozilla" or "Netscape" and on the top part of your browser, select the option of "Preferencies"
2. Scroll down until you see "Cookies" just below "Privacy and security"
3. Select the "Allow the cookies access only from the actual site" option

1. Open Opera and select “Menu” and Settings on the navigation bar
2. Select Preferences and click on the Advanced tag
3. Select the option "accept cookies"


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